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Old and Black in America
disillusioned by the best
in this white world

Thursday, November 24, 2005

This novel definitely resonates with the present war in Iraq right now. It's as though Hemingway had some sort of prophet vision about the Bush family when he wrote, "There is a class that controls a country that is stupid and does not realize anything and never can. That is why we have this war....Also they make money out of it."
So then I started thinking, well, Hemingway didn't really have to be prophet, because all war is the same. Of course, throughout centuries of war, new technology has advanced the way war is fought (or not fought). But war is essentially never changing: "War doesn't finish. There is no finish to a war...War is not won by victory." Is this a cynical statement about the war in Iraq? Will it ever end? Or is this present war just a continuation from "past" wars? I'd love to know what you guys think about this.
posted by Carl at 5:40 PM
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