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Old and Black in America
disillusioned by the best
in this white world

Friday, December 02, 2005

Henry the phoney

i reread the catcher in the rye yesterday out of boredom and got a big goofy smile when i read the following:

"What gets me about D.B., though, he hated the war so much, and yet he got me to read this book a farewell to arms last summer. He said it was so terrific. That's what i can't understand. It had this guy in it named Lieutenant Henry that was supposed to be a nice guy and all. I don't see how D.B. could hate the Army and war and all so much and still like a phoney like that."

he did, however, like the great gatsby. one of my personal favorites. i love Holden even more.
posted by Kristin at 3:42 AM
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